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Jay Seven has a residency as a MC at club Peopl. He is on the mic every friday and saturday night, keeping the crowd and the downtown core of Montreal entertained week in and week out.
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Jay Seven stays active in the club scene and on-stage from concerts (maitre gims, végédream, Koba La D, Hatik, Maes, Elephant Man, Beenie Man), to festivals (Metro Metro, Le Grand Prix du Canada, Afrobeach, Taste of the Middle east).
In recent years, Jay Seven has expanded his expertise and efforts into podcasting and journalism. He has been the go-to personality when it comes to interviews and industry insight. From celebrities such as Wyclef Jean, to entrepreneurs like Olivier Primeau, and up-and-coming artists as well.
He has built a well-known and unshakable reputation in the media landscape of Québec. @podcasque is now a must for any noteworthy hip-hop artist or personality in the province. (Souldia, Loud, Fouki, 5sang14, Shreez, Steve Jolin, Carlos Munoz, Philippe Fehmiu Olivier Primeau). @letempsdunjujube brings out a different side of its guests thanks to the laid back and fun approach, with over 25 thousand subscribers on YouTube. The wide outreach to many demographics brings added value to any guest’s clout by joining the show for an entertaining and rich conversation. From standup comics to influencers to artists of various passions, this podcast has become one of the most popular shows for those in the know and those who crave top-quality content.
Always one to look towards the next step, Jay Seven is striving towards bigger platforms and broader audience. Who knows what the future holds…radio? Television? Time will tell.